S e n t i r e C u m E c c l e s i a

"To keep ourselves right in all things, we ought to hold fast to this principle: What seems to me to be white, I will believe to be black if the hierarchical Church thus determines it. For we believe that between Christ our Lord, the Bridegroom, and the Church, His Spouse, there is the one same Spirit who governs and guides us for the salvation of our souls..." - Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius [365]

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Blessed are the Child-like!

We hear in today's Gospel the words of Jesus affirming the childlike. In the other Gospels, we hear Jesus saying that blessed are the childlike for they will enter the Kingdom of heaven. Unless we become like little children, we shall not enter the Kingdom of God.
To be childlike to put all our trust and confidence in God. The kid never doubts the love of his or her parents. The kid os always assured of the affection and concern of his or her parents. Jesus is encouraging his listeners to be likewise. To put one's total faith and confidence in the God who loves and who continues to love. To be assured of the presence of the God who is always with us. In short, to put ourselves under the arms of our loving God.
Perhaps it may be helpful to ask ourselves how childlike we are. Do we trust in the unfading love of God in our lives? Or do we always allow oursleves to be tossed and turned by the concerns and worries of daily life that we lose sight of the essential reality at work in our lives? Let us beg for the grace then to be truly childlike; that we may approach God in the light of confidence and assurance. Amen.


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