The Feast of the Generous Saint
This year is very special to the Jesuits since we remember the 450th death anniversary of St. Ignatius. The icon on the left is actually a tarp designed the the Jesit Vocations Promotions - Philippines. You may click it to have it enlarged. Below is the most famous prayer composed by St. Ignatius, hich in a way sums up his spirituality. Everthings is grace... take and receive them Lord, since you have bestowed them so generously, I offer them all back to you... Ad Majorem, Dei Gloriam!
Take, O Lord, and receive all my liberty,
my memory, my understanding, and all my will,
all I have and possess; you have given it me; to you, Lord, I return it;
all is yours, dispose of it entirely according to your will.
Give me your love and grace,
because that is enough for me.... Amen.