My Grace is Enough for You

It is true that religious life is no joke. It might appear comfortable and secure, but mind you, if this life is not for you, you will never be happy in it or you will never be fit in it (this is perhaps the reason why people leave religious life). In my past three years of vowed life, I continue to experience being stretched to the point that it is no longer "stretchable;" I continue to experience being tried and tested; I continue to experience being challenged and invited to greater love. But in all these challenges, trials, and testings, I can say with much conviction that the grace of God abounds all the more!
As I continue living my Jesuit Vowed life (now as a Jesuit regent in Zamboanga), I continue to hold on to this God of Love whose fidelity never wavers and whose constant presence never fades. I fervently pray that I, together with all the vowed religious in the Church, will persevere and will remain faithful to the very end. Amen.
To my beloved profession-mates -- Andy, Ernald, Eric, Chrysostom, Bros, Erik John, Joel, and Neo: May God's grace abound all the more in our daily living out of our Vows.
To Brother Gabriel, may God continue to show you His unswerving fidelity and presence.