The "Doubting Thomas" Sunday
Among the "prayers" said in scriptures, one of my favorites is this famous line from the famous Doubting Thomas. Unless I probe my fingers into the nail marks of his hands and feet and put my hand into his side, I will not believe, said Thomas. But when the doubt brought about by frustration was side swept by marvel and grandeur, Thomas exclaimed a very beautiful prayer which gushes forth from the innermost recesses of his being: My Lord and my God!
Many times we have been cynical and doubting about many things. In the midst of pain, is God really here?! In the circumstances of great tribulation, is God really here?! Is God really with us?! Once again we are consoled by the Church with this very beautiful and moving scene between the Risen One and Thomas. Jesus said, You believe because you have seen me; happy are those who haven't seen and yet believed! Christianity indeed is a leap of faith.
Let us beg then for the grace received by Thomas. That like him, we may believe and put our faith in this Jesus who died, and who rose from the dead to save us all. Jesus' Resurrection has broken the sting of death and sin forever.
Happy Easter!